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Most Profitable Cryptocurrency Miners Released by BitHull

  • Written by BitHull

COPENHAGEN,DENMARK - EQS Newswire - April 7, 2020 - BitHull S.A ([1]) has emerged as the next big thing in the global crypto market with the recent launch of its FPGA miners. The company's two new products, BH Miner and BH Miners Box have been designed to generate unprecedented profitability for the users. Built around the revolutionary Field Programmable Gate Array or FPGA technology, these miners can deliver exceptionally high hash rate without consuming a lot of power.

Most Profitable Cryptocurrency Miners Released by BitHull


Both the multi-algorithm miners from BitHull can be used for mining Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Monero. BH Miner is the basic product from the company with a moderate power consumption of 550W. BH Miners Box, on the other hand, is a combination of six BH Miner units connected to each other. The units generate very low noise, and hence, can be used at home or any other place.

Hash Rate:

BH Miner: 360 TH/s, 60 GH/s, 15 GH/s, and 3 MH/s for Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Monero respectively.

BH Miners Box: 2160 TH/s, 360 GH/s, 90 GH/s, and 18 MH/s for Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Monero respectively.

Profit and Power Consumption (BH Miners Box):

Bitcoin: $7951.95 profit per month

Litecoin: $18.64k profit per month

Ethereum: $25.78k profit per month

Monero: $29.06k profit per month

The power cost is $285 per month and the calculations were made based on the cost of $0.12/kWh. BitHull recommends all its customers to verify the above details in real time using a reliable online calculator.

Regardless of any price fluctuation or mining difficulty changes, both products will remain profitable.

"The excellent profit earning potential of the two products from BitHull makes them the perfect pick for the beginners looking to try their hands in crypto mining as well as the mining experts," said Matias Milet, Vice President of BitHull S.A.

For more details, please visit[2]


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Authors: BitHull

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