Asian Spectator

The Times Real Estate


Star of the Sea Superyacht Hosts Stand-Up Comedian Russell Peters

  • Written by Star Of The Sea Superyacht
Star of the Sea Superyacht Hosts Stand-Up Comedian Russell Peters
The 'Star of the Sea' superyacht features a massive flybridge that holds dozens of people at once, a splendidly-furnished lounge area with a bar, an expansive entertainment level for movies or karaoke sessions, an outdoor jacuzzi with a full view of the sea, a 6-man tender, six plush bedrooms, a complete kitchen perfect for a private chef, a large dining area that sits 16 persons, as well as a host of water toys, such as kayaks and stand-up paddle boards. Powered by twin MTU engines by Rolls Royce, the vessel is the largest yacht built locally in Singapore in 2012. Newly refurbished in 2023 and relaunched as the 'Star of the Sea' by , the vessel boasts a combination of high-speed performance, elegant, pristine exteriors, and stunning, sophisticated interiors. When berthed, 'Star of the Sea' accommodates up to 150 persons, making it ideal for dockside parties and corporate events. Out at sea, the superyacht can accommodate up to 50 persons.

For more information on the 'Star of the Sea', please visit [2] or contact SOTS Superyacht Pte Ltd at +65 9768 8850 or email [3].



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Authors: Star Of The Sea Superyacht

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