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Live Online Workshop on Power Purchase Agreement

  • Written by ACN Newswire - Press Releases

Live Online Workshop on Power Purchase Agreement

Singapore, Jun 11, 2021 - (ACN Newswire) - Infocus International Group has launched another Power Purchase Agreement (PPAs) online workshop and it will be commencing on 13 September 2021.
Live Online Workshop on Power Purchase Agreement
There are many moving pieces affecting the future of electric power development in emerging markets. Unlike the past Independent Power Project models, which featured standardised take-or-pay contracts - today's market demands more innovative incentives to ensure better availability, better performance, as well as more attractive and sustainable mixtures of fuel sources. Economies throughout developing countries urgently need to master the key tools, models, and lessons learned for transforming and strengthening today's electricity sector. These include the latest models in negotiating PPAs, in designing and managing new competitive power markets, as well as attracting the right mix of renewable energy sources.

Throughout the five sessions, it provides attendees clear explanations of the new models of PPAs risk allocation, of designing and managing competitive power markets, attracting private investments in renewable energy, through a series of real case examples of contracts and markets. Case Studies will include real examples from Africa, Middle East, Asia, Europe and North America. Furthermore, cases stimulate independent thinking and discussion among participants.

Benefits of Attending:

- Learn about all the essentials of corporate renewable PPAs- Perform a policy and risk analysis of PPA contracts- Learn theory and practice of pricing and tariff design- Run a risk assessment- Evaluate different risks and mitigate these risks under the PPA- Lead successful power project finance transactions- Negotiate fair and sustainable PPAs

The presenter allows for and encourages plenty of Q&A and discusses the issues from multiple stakeholder perspectives; including power plant owners, investors, policymakers and energy customers.

Want to learn more?Simply email emilia[at] or call +65 6325 0210 to obtain your FREE COPY of the event brochure. For more information, please visit

About Infocus International Group

Infocus International is a global business intelligence provider of strategic information and professional services for diverse business communities.

Infocus International recognises clients' needs and responds with innovative and result oriented programmes. All products are founded on high value content in diverse subject areas, and the highest level of quality is ensured through intensive and in-depth market research from local and international insights.

Emilia MokTel: +65 6325 0210 | Email: emilia[at]infocusinternational.comWebsite:

Copyright 2021 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.

Authors: ACN Newswire - Press Releases

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