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Hong Kong Innovation Invention Spotlights Over 40 Local Innovations at Entrepreneur Day 2024

  • Written by Hong Kong Exporters' Association
HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire[1] - 10 December 2024 - The Hong Kong Exporters' Association (HKEA)'s "Hong Kong Innovation & Invention" (HKII) today showcased over 40 locally invented innovations at Entrepreneur Day 2024.

(From Left to right: 1) Eric Sun, Chairman of the Hong Kong Exporters' Association; 2) David Taji Farouki, the President of the Jury of the International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva; 3) Alice Lai, Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong Exporters Association and Project Convenor, Hong Kong Innovation & Invention; and 4) Helena Chiu, Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong Exporters Association)

Exhibited inventions have undergone rigorous evaluation by a distinguished panel of industry professionals. The shortlisting process will be conducted based on novelty, level of innovation and invention, technical utility, and symbolic significance. All exhibits are original inventions manufactured and launched in the market with patent protection or are under patent filing.

Various companies participated in HKII and displayed their innovations at Entrepreneur Day, covering classes from Smart City, Smart Home & Living, Smart Finance, Health Technologies and Medicine, and Smart Transportation to Smart Industry. This year, HKII introduced a new Youth class for young inventors below 18 to exchange creative, innovative ideas with global I&T leaders.

Several innovations showcased in HKII won awards at the 4th Asia Exhibition of Innovations and Inventions Hong Kong[2]:

  • Smart City: NerOcean[3] invents "Artificial Mussels", a non-invasive monitoring device that can effectively monitor heavy metals and radionuclides in water while reducing monitoring costs by up to 95%. Artificial Mussels" was awarded with a gold award.
  • Smart Home & Living: BioLogiQ Elite[4] invents ReGen plant-based products, a sustainable alternative to wood products with a reduced carbon footprint and fewer microplastics. ReGen plant-based products were awarded with a gold award.
  • Health Technologies and Medicine: Prof. Freddy Boey and Prof. Li Xinke from the City University of Hong Kong co-invent "AI-Driven Breath Analyzer" for rapid and mass screening of infectious diseases. The invention was awarded with a gold award.
  • Smart Transportation: Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks startup Volar Air Mobility [5]innovated RX4E, a four-seater electric aircraft for commercial operations including air taxi, green eco-tourism, logistics.
  • Smart Industry: BioLogiQ Elite[6] invents BioLogiQ Solution, an innovative plant-based material solution that enables manufacturers to make more sustainable products. The solution was awarded with a gold award.
  • Youth(Below 18 years old): Youths from Chung Sing School[7] designed a carbon capture travel pack using carbon capture pellets to sequester atmospheric carbon dioxide. The team's study suggests that a school with 800 students using 10 g of carbon capture pellets can potentially remove 105 kg of CO2 in 1 year.
For more images, please refer to:[8]

"Connectivity" has been one of the core values of the HKEA", said Alice Lai, Vice Chairman of HKEA and Project Convenor of HKII. "The HKII project aims to showcase Hong Kong inventors' innovations at top international exhibitions, demonstrating the city's strengths of innovation and technology while fostering collaboration among innovative talents, entrepreneurs and investors. In April, we are going to exhibit at the 50th International Exhibition of Inventions hosted in Geneva, Swissland, helping local SMEs and startups to expand oversea markets."

HKII is also committed to strengthening Hong Kong's role as a hub of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and promoting connectivity between the I&T industry in Hong Kong, the Mainland and the world. In the spring of the coming year, the project will organise a delegation trip to Shenzhen to learn about the low-altitude economy, drones and unmanned vehicle technology. Another delegation trip to Zhuhai will also be held in the second quarter to explore the aerospace industry.

Hashtag: #HongKongExportersAssociation

The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


  1. ^ Media OutReach Newswire (
  2. ^ 4th Asia Exhibition of Innovations and Inventions Hong Kong (
  3. ^ NerOcean (
  4. ^ BioLogiQ Elite (
  5. ^ Volar Air Mobility (
  6. ^ BioLogiQ Elite (
  7. ^ Chung Sing School (
  8. ^ (

Authors: Hong Kong Exporters' Association

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