Asian Spectator

EmpowerHer: ASPL Group's International Women's Day Coaching Experience

  • Written by PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator
EmpowerHer: ASPL Group's International Women's Day Coaching Experience

MELBOURNE, Australia, March 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- This International Women's Day ASPL Group, a leading provider of strategic leadership training, recruitment and consulting, is excited to announce the launch of "EmpowerHer," in alignment with the United Nation's theme of Count Her In: Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress.

This campaign is dedicated to empowering and supporting three women, or individuals who identify as women, in their professional development to strengthen their ability to learn, earn and lead. 

ASPL Group is proudly offering an exclusive opportunity for a free one-hour personalised coaching session with ASPL Group's skilled and under the following three categories:

Empowering Leaders

In this unique session, our coach will guide an executive or manager diving deep into dynamic leadership using ASPL Group's cutting-edge neuroscience framework for adaptive leadership to EmpowerHer and set her on a path towards becoming a more impactful and visionary leader.

Career Elevation

Aimed at the woman looking to take her career to new heights. In this session, she will learn to make decisions with confidence, learn effective communication and explore possibilities to polish her narrative and align strengths with passions to propel her to success.

Thriving Futures

Thriving Futures is specially designed for women from disadvantaged communities ready to kickstart their careers and emerge as leaders. Our coaches focus on building self-belief and self-confidence and dive into the realm of financial literacy, arming her with the knowledge to navigate her financial future confidently.

ASPL's CEO Kris Grant said: "Our EmpowerHer coaching sessions are designed to Count Her In this International Women's Day. ASPL Group is committed to fostering women's development, recognising investment not only drives individual success but also fortifies the collective strength of the organisations we engage in, and contributes to positively to our community. These personalised coaching sessions provide a unique space for three women to harness their leadership potential, navigate career challenges, and emerge as empowered leaders."

For more information, or to register visit the website.

About ASPL Group

ASPL Group is a management consultancy, training and recruitment firm focused on aligning people, processes and systems. We have been operating across the private and public sectors in Australia and Asia Pacific for the past 16 years.

ASPL Group offers strategic leadership training and consulting for emerging leaders across government and corporate organisations. We recognise the importance of investment into capability, leadership and talent management. Our core services are:

  • Recruitment
  • Consulting
  • Training
  • Innovation

Authors: PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator

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